Wednesday, July 16, 2014

"After 50 it is just patch, patch, patch"

   I haven't written much because, honestly, we haven't been doing much missionary work.  Paul came down with what we thought was a normal old virus, if there is such a thing, but it quickly turned into a rather deep cough.  Because he has had pneumonia a couple of times, we thought we should seek some medical advice, which means a drive to Vermont.  I also developed, overnight, a rash on my arms and something weird on my lower legs, so off to the urgent care in Burlington we went.  Paul was diagnosed with bronchitis, and my rash was probably a reaction to sun, although I have never had that before.  The dots on my legs required a blood test to ensure that it wasn't something serious, which it wasn't, although they couldn't really say what had caused it.  Oh, it is so fun to be in one's 60's and have the excitement of new health issues popping up often!  The quote in the title is something Marjorie Hinckley, the prophet's wife, used to say often, and it is extremely apropos.
    Anyway, we were confined to the apartment for about 10 days while Paul recovered.  Wouldn't you know the weather was glorious the whole time, warm and sunny with a nice breeze.  A few times we went on a ride, just so that I wouldn't go stark raving mad.  I pumped him and me up with vitamins and some essential oils (snake oil is what Paul calls it), but the pesky cough hung on and on.  Finally he was pretty much recovered and then it was my turn!  I haven't been nearly as sick as he was, but we have continued to take it easy so I can, hopefully, improve more quickly.  A two-bedroom apartment feels pretty small after a few days of confinement, let me tell you.  After reading Preach My Gospel ad nauseam, and of course, the Book of Mormon,  I worked on my personal history and started a biography of Henry Eyring.   We are very, very hopeful that by tomorrow I will be much improved!


  1. Here is hoping you are both well and raring to go by now! This has been a rough go for you all. May the rest of your time there be wonderful! :)

  2. Oh, you published today. May you be out again soon and well for the duration!
