Saturday, September 7, 2013

Flash to the past equals success

When Paul was 10 he wore his hair in a buzz cut.  His hair was so short he couldn't part it, and it looked cute on him (from the pictures I've seen).  Well,  fifty-three years later,  the effects of gravity, sun, and lots of cookies and brownies have not necessarily made a buzz cut the best option today.  This week he had to try it out again.

Now for the story behind this new do.  Last Tuesday we were both in need of a haircuts.  Remembering our frustrations in Switzerland with this task, I practiced saying, with firmness, "not too short" in French.  We had chosen to try a place called, appropriately, "Adam and Eve", but there was a sign on the door saying "Closed for Labor Day", even though it was the day after Labor Day.  So, we  searched for somewhere else that didn't require an appointment.  We found one a few blocks away and went in.  A delightfully friendly woman cut my hair first, and since I couldn't really communicate much,  my cut was acceptable.  Then it was Paul's turn.  He told her just to take a little off and she said she would.  However, she immediately asked him about our plaques and what church we represented and the conversation took off.  Unfortunately for Paul, so did his hair, for the more they talked, the more she cut!  Her 14-year-old daughter had come to an activity with a branch member one time, so she knew where the building is.  We told her about our English class, starting that evening and she was excited to come, which she did.  A couple of days later we went back to her shop to invite her to come to church on Sunday.  She said she and her daughter had already talked about it and they were planning on it. We are hopeful to see them tomorrow.
     To continue the story, we went the next day to visit a woman who moved here two years ago but hasn't chosen to come to church yet. She is originally from Haiti. We have gone by her office (she won't give us her home address or phone number) to see her before; she is always very friendly. We happened to check the birthdays of branch members that morning and saw that her daughter's was that day, so we took a card and Costco muffin for her (oh, how grateful I am for a Costco just an hour away!) .  Anyway, we told her about the woman we had invited to church this week, who is also from Haiti.  Turned out they know each other, and this woman had actually been her teacher in Haiti, several years ago.  What are the chances of that? We asked that she come to help make our new friend feel welcome--we are hopeful she will be there too.  Paul's brutally short hair may very well lead to some real missionary successes.

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