Sunday, October 6, 2013

They pop up everywhere

    In the last month or so, we have literally been handed some opportunities to share our beliefs with others.  I mean, even when we haven't been looking for likely individuals, (I know, I know, we should always be looking )  there one is, right in front of us.  Here are a few examples:
    Paul and I went to the mall one day to look at warm winter coats.  We had been told not to buy one beforehand because there would be better, and warmer ones here.  (I am not sure that is true, by the way.)  As I was looking at one, a sales lady came up and asked if she could help us.  Since I wasn't completely sure what she said and didn't know how to fluently answer her, I turned to my companion.  He struck up a conversation with her and in doing so, found out she is a widow but her mother-in-law is a member of the church, an English speaker, living in another part of Quebec. We talked with her a bit about the church, why we are here, and invited her to English class. She didn't come, but at least she had a nice conversation with a "Mormon". It might help when she meets another later.
   Then, we had the experience at the hair salon where the stylist wanted to know all about what we teach people. ( See the 'Flash to the past' post) We visited her at her home, with her 14-year-old daughter, showed them the Restoration DVD, and gave them each a copy of the Book of Mormon. They came to church once.  She now says she isn't too interested in hearing more, but since her daughter is, we still have hopes that this will continue.   We will keep trying.  The point is, we were able to teach her some gospel principles.
  For me, the most exciting and challenging encounter occurred last week. I have been meeting with a woman who attends our English class.  She offered to meet with me once a week to help me with my  French.  I have a conversation with her in French for thirty minutes, and then we switch.  Last Wednesday she came  in and said. "I would like you to tell me about Mormons,  I read a little about a man named Joseph Smith and am wondering about him.  Tell me about him in French." So, for the next twenty minutes I bumbled along in terrible French, telling her of Joseph's experiences with prayer, the first vision, and the Book of Mormon.  I gave her a copy of the Book of Mormon, asked her to read the Introduction, and said we would discuss it further this coming week.  I am a missionary!  And it felt good.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You're a great missionary! Love your energy and momentum!!

  3. You are a wonderful missionary, and our hearts are warmed by your efforts to bring others unto the truth.

  4. Sister Peterson, I just stumbled across your mission blog! I'm so excited you are documenting your mission, I can't wait to show this to Dallas! I love your attitude towards missionary work and sharing the gospel. I gave someone a Book of Mormon last week and he didn't seem very interested. In my mind, I thought I had somehow failed. I loved when you said that having a good conversation with a member of our church will help when they meet another later, and the point you made that you were able to teach some gospel principles. Thank you for sharing your testimony of missionary work with me!
    We love you and are praying for you and your family as you serve!
    Carissa Abrams
